Monday, April 22, 2019

Design in 21 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Design in 21 - Research Paper ExampleSteve Jobs also grew up in a period where there was freedom of expression, in America, and when the culture was very tol whilent and open. In college, the preferred subject of Steve Jobs was typography.He was able to make a connection on how fonts were able to influence the contents of a visualise and their audience. Steve Jobs spent most of his years studying the philosophies of eastern nations, and their holistic determine (Shea, 11). These values are all manifested into the product philosophy of Apples, through its production of a seamless, sleek, simple and integrated forge. The branch product made by Apple that was able to change the field of design is the invention and the design of the Macintosh calculator system which had a Graphic User Interface (GUI). This computer system was introduced in 1983, and it was meant for designers (lumenthal, 23). This system came with an input device and a mouse which would make it possible for an ind ividual to allow computer drawings, and accurate cursor control.This system also came with a MacPaint, MacWrite and other fonts which allowed designers to lay out pages that they could print. On this basis, this design by Apples ushered in a new period of Desktop Publishing. This completely changed the field of design, by ushering in, the era of digital design (Shea, 33). On this basis, the computer systems that were using Apples GUI became a ensample system for all computers that were being manufactured worldwide. The demands of GUI enabled computers were very high, and they revolutionalized the design world whereby the digital operative had a new media platform that could help him or her to create and design products (lumenthal, 22). Following the successes of these Macintosh computers, Steve Jobs and Apples garbled for a period of ten years.Steve Jobs pursued his business interests by developing computer softwares that were able to be used in the fields of animations. However, after ten years, Steve Jobs was able to

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